Computer Graphics Conferences: Paper Deadlines

Here's my collection of important computer graphics conference's deadlines for org-mode. Dates in the future are just shifted by one year from the last conference, so make sure to double-check dates.

* Conference Deadlines
** SIGGRAPH Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-01-20 Fri -2m ++1y>

** Computer Graphics International Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-02-14 Tue -2m ++1y>

** EGPGV Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-02-19 Sun -2m ++1y>

** EGSR Papers Deadline

DEADLINE: <2016-04-01 Fri 00:00 -2m ++1y>

*** Abstract Deadline
DEADLINE: <2016-03-28 Mon 23:59 -2m ++1y>

** HPG papers deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-04-04 Tue 23:59 -2m ++1y>

*** Notification of paper acceptance
<2016-05-12 Thu>

*** Revised papers due
<2016-05-23 Mon>

** Pacific Graphics Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-06-03 Sat -2m ++1y>

** SIGGRAPH Asia Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-06-02 Fri -2m ++1y>

** VMV Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-06-20 Mon -2m ++1y>

** TODO EG Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2016-10-14 Fri -2m ++1y>

*** TODO Abstract Deadline
DEADLINE: <2017-10-07 Sat -1w ++1y>

** TODO I3D Papers Deadline
DEADLINE: <2016-10-21 Fri -2m ++1y>